De-Mineralized (DM) Industrial Water Package

De-Mineralized (DM) Industrial Water Package

بخش : Products

De-Mineralized (DM) Industrial Water Package

De-Mineralized (DM water) is water with high purity and free of ionic contaminants and are used in various industries including Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Refining, Power Plants, Water and Wastewater. There are several methods to produce DM water, and the following methods are used in manufacturing DM water packages by the company:

RO Method:

New generation of membranes are used in this method and system can be reach to mineral content of less than 1 mg with recovery factor of 85%.

RO+MB Method:

In MB or Mixed Bed method, the cations and anions remove simultaneously by using a mixture of cationic and anionic ion exchange resins.

RO+EDI Method:

In EDI or Electro De Ionization method, the system has the same functionality of the MB, except that the system is not required using Caustic and Acid chemicals.
